Your Landscape Business: A Dojo for Developing a High-Performing Team

Standards Set the Bar

Standards are more than ideals. Standards must be committed to throughout your organization. Your standards pertain to the company overall and to each position on your organization chart. Standards define how you want your team to act with customers, prospects and among each other. Standards should be measurable in terms of behavior and results. Your company standards should reflect your personal values and support your vision for the company.

Metrics keep the score

Key Strategic Indicators, KSIs, provide specific information on the state or condition of your business. It’s best if you track the activities in your business that are most influential in achieving your vision. Develop both quantitative and qualitative metrics, that measure tangible and intangible movement towards your vision.

Tangible aspects of your vision like, gross annual revenue, revenue per customer, net profit, production revenue per crew member are all easily quantifiable. Quantifying things that can’t be measured like trust, respect, and satisfaction isn’t as easy, but possible.

Olympic judges rate an athlete’s performances in things like figure skating, gymnastics routines, and diving on a scale of 1 to 10. You can measure aspects of your vision that involve feelings of trust, satisfaction, and respect with ranges in much the same manner.

Create opposite pairs, best case-worst case, descriptions of the important intangible elements of your vision. Score them on a scale from +10 to -10. Quantification of an intangible doesn’t make it tangible. Quantification will, however, give you a better perspective and make your understanding of your progress towards your vision more objective.

 “Standards give people an experience of being part of something that’s greater than themselves.”

Following your standards starts with you, the owner of the business. You are responsible to honor them and make them real to your people.


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