Achieving Business Development Goals for 2021
If you had asked me what 2020 would bring last year at this time, I would have said things about it being an election year, and that we could expect continued growth and prosperity for our industry throughout the coming year. I would have thought 2021 would have brought some change. Boy, would I have been wrong!
2020 was a wild ride. My work as a coach this year centered around getting my clients and their company leaders back to long term company goals and PLANNING for how to respond to the pandemic. Developing a long term Strategic Objective or vision for your company gives you a way to check your decisions and ensure your plans take you where you want to go. It’s about making strategic choices that will leave you where you want to be when the crisis is past.
Although we are not at the end of this pandemic, I think most of us can see a light at the end of the tunnel. It brought hardship for some of us and incredible opportunities for others and probably a mix for most of us.
Entrepreneurial business leaders know the value of planning. While no one could have predicted what happened in 2020 you absolutely, positively, have to have clear goals, strategic objectives, and a plan. I am an EMyth-Certified Business coach and I’d like to introduce you to an EMyth Annual Planning tool!
“While you never know what surprises the new year will bring, you can—and should—always plan for the unexpected. That’s the value of having an annual plan—it gives you and your team clarity of purpose in the new year. It’s a necessary roadmap for achieving your goals, and enables you to pivot when the world throws its curveballs.”
Let’s hope there are NO curveballs in 2021. That will not, however, decrease the value or the need for this tool.
I’ll help you navigate the annual planning process after the download.
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