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Category Archives: Finance

Create your profit plan for 2021

This is a three-part series on creating your profit plan for 2021. It written by Paul Bauscher a colleague and fellow EMyth Coach. In my last five years as a business coach, only two of my clients have had an operational budget in place when I started working with them. Let that sit for a moment. Of […]


BUSINESS FINANCIALS AND MONEY Everything your business does, show up in your financial reports.  “Money exerts a deep emotional influence on who we are, and what we tell ourselves we can never have. Our long unwillingness to understand the emotional and spiritual effects of money on us is at the heart of why we have […]

COVID and the Numbers that Count for Your Business’s Financial Security

Use this wake-up call to build a stronger financial future MANAGING MONEYLEADERSHIP 6 MIN READ In the current economic downturn, small businesses everywhere are suffering and too many will tragically close their doors permanently. For many business owners, it’s been a sobering lesson: Ignoring the practice of reviewing your company’s financial metrics is a high-risk decision with serious consequences. […]