Designs for Landscape/Hardscape Companies: A Loss Leader NO MORE!

A series of HOW TO articles on selling design work profitably.
This is article #1.

Why Offer Design

Most landscape and hardscape design build companies make their money on construction. But find building other people’s designs less than satisfying from a creative and financial perspective.

  1. Cost Control: Controlling the design process allows them to identify cost savings and issues early, optimizing the project budget from a design perspective offering.
  2. Designing in-house means cost savings for homeowners
  3. Reduced Liability: Owning the design reduces liability risks from incomplete or flawed plans, preventing costly problems during construction.
  4. Competitive Edge: In-house design capabilities differentiate you professionally from landscapers who do construction, making you more attractive to potential clients.
  5. Improved Efficiency: Integrated design and construction teams collaborate better, streamlining the process for cost savings and higher productivity you may or may not want to pass on.
  6. Fewer Change Orders: Resolving design issues upfront and in-house, minimizes the need for costly rework or change orders during the construction phase.

The way to beat the competition in any market is through differentiation and customer service. Here are 5 ways offering design can do that for your company.

  1. Single Point of Contact: Simplify accountability and communication. This goes for after care as well.
  2. Customized Solutions: Integrated design-build allows tailoring the project to client’s exact needs, at their budget. No generic plans adapted to different situations. True customization from start to finish.
  3. Faster Timelines: Overlapping design and construction phases accelerates project delivery compared to traditional methods.
  4. Cost Certainty: Design-build provides upfront cost estimates and better control over budgets, reducing financial surprises. No guessing involved on the part of the designer about cost. Designers and construction management are all a part of the design.
  5. Reduced Risks: Consolidated responsibility mitigates risks of finger-pointing between separate design and construction teams.

In this series of article I will not cover marketing, lead generation or qualification however once you decide to offer design you’ll need to carefully consider those. We cover that in Systemscaping. Next article is on how to eliminate the competition before drawing anything. This allows for greater profit on construction and for your sales and design department as well.
Read on! [Link]


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