Forget the Sale, Remember the Process, Focus on the Client

Nearly every aspect of the business development process should be geared towards building a relationship of mutual support with your prospective customers. By taking your focus from the sale and concentrating on your clients’ needs, you’ll send a powerful message of concern and genuine customer care that will earn their trust, their commitment to your company and their continued patronage.

For some business owners it’s a difficult concept to grasp, but, it isn’t really all about the sale. True sustainable business development is about building relationships that will provide you with consistent repeatable business.The focus should be on the needs of the customer and meeting those needs through developing relationships and not just one time sales. Letting go of trying to close the deal will open you up to developing trusting, mutually beneficial relationships with loyal customers.

How does one sell without selling?

The first thing you do is, stop selling. Look at your language, is it centered on leading a prospect to a desired outcome? Or is it focused on discovering the other person’s needs? If you’reusing the language of persuasion and trying to convince potential clients that you have products and services they want, then stop. If on sales calls it feels like you’re trying to work against the wishes of your prospect, stop. Trying to convince someone to do something is work. Selling is hard work. Selling is about you and your company. Make your calls about your potential clients,their needs and solutions to their problems.

It’s not easy, and to be effective at this you actually have to become indifferent about the sale. You have to create a way of selling that connects you to your prospect in the way they want to be related to. You need to create a sales process. At Salespeople On Demand, we have and we use our process in the different sales situations, products and services we are asked to represent. Everything can change, and does, but the process remains the same. Our process comes from years of practicing it, refining it and working it in a variety of situations. By keeping the process the same we track our progress, measure our results and continually work to innovate and perfect.

We can build our process around your company’s products and services. Once we have our process in place for your company’s unique situation we completely focus on your customer’s needs and let the sale take care of itself. When we have the opportunity to wrap branding and marketing around your company’s target market…it’s a beautiful thing. Relationships develop, clients’ needs are met and expectations are exceeded. Our process produces results. It’s focused on the client and sets up your company to develop satisfying business relationships that are geared to positive business momentum.


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