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Tag Archives: salespeople

Intimidated by the learning Curve on Design Software? Make Your Hardscape Designs Shine with Outsourced Drafting and Visualization

As a hardscape contractor, you know your clients’ vision is the key to creating outdoor living spaces that truly wow. But turning those ideas into professional-looking designs can be time consuming. Taking you away from what you do best – the construction and installation and serving your clients. Outsourcing your drafting and visualization needs can […]

The Psychology of Sales

You must know your stuff. That’s the relatively easy part. If you’re reading this, you are likely a seasoned pro with experience in the field of outdoor living design and construction. If you’re a student or just thinking about starting out, don’t start in sales. Get out there and do some construction before you go […]

Our 5-Step Guide to Securing Design Retainer Agreements

This guide will equip you with a 5-step approach to securing design retainer agreements, allowing you to focus on what you do best: creating stunning outdoor escapes for your clients. (Side note: After my first sales call using this process after nearly 20 years of doing it “the old fashioned contractor way “my remark to […]

You Got to Have Heart

When it comes to selling there’s no difference between a baseball player and a salesperson; the one who will bat over 300 or close greater than 30% are those with heart.  And for those salespeople representing a product or service with marketing and branding aligned to the sales process,achieving a close rate of over 50% […]

Forget the Sale, Remember the Process, Focus on the Client

Nearly every aspect of the business development process should be geared towards building a relationship of mutual support with your prospective customers. By taking your focus from the sale and concentrating on your clients’ needs, you’ll send a powerful message of concern and genuine customer care that will earn their trust, their commitment to your […]

Successful Businesses Know Why

Your Brand is the result of “Why”. Your employees, the way you operate in the market, your customer service and not to mention your mission statement are all results of “Why”. Why is what you believe, it’s the reason  you do what you do. It’s the motivation behind people choosing your product or service; it’s […]