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Category Archives: Marketing

Create Your Future: Review The Past

The Year in Review After Thanksgiving, for most northern hemisphere landscape companies, is the time for review. In most areas, there isn’t much snow until January, maintenance work is winding down, as is construction. It’s a great time of year to take stock of what happened during the year. It’s a time for managers to […]

Systematically Improve Your Business.

Work smarter, well yeah… duh. Working smarter is developing systems to make money. When you stop to think about it, it doesn’t matter if it’s a product or service your business sells. What matters is how you sell it. Franchising is all about developing processes ways to do things and using those process as building […]

Connected? Social Media for Landscape Companies

There are lots of great landscaping businesses out there making a ton of money every year that don’t twitter, tweet, blog or Facebook. Are they wrong? They are building exceptional businesses through personal relationships by differentiating themselves; focusing on design, quality and value. Yes they value connection, but their connections are not web based, they’re […]

Lead Qualification: Send the Tire Kickers to the Low Ballers

As salespeople we all know nothing is worse than wasting time with prospects who are not ready to buy. The highest performing salespeople are closing deals at rates of over 40%. With our best clients, we’ve been closing at over 60%. This is possible if marketing is targeted and you’re qualifying leads. Qualifying a lead. […]

Effective Marketing: A Salesperson’s Best Friend.

Salespeople have an insatiable need for leads. Motivated salespeople need a pipeline of leads to support and sustain their livelihoods. Marketing must bring in the right prospects; interested people who are attracted to the company’s brand and are ready to purchase. When branding is true to you and your company’s strengths and the marketing targets […]

Marketing for Cheapskates: Little money Big ROI

Content Marketing. It’s everything you put up on the web, your company’s website, FaceBook page, LinkedIn company page, blog, photos, webinars, ebooks videos, podcasts,all of it, its all content. Everything you put up on Social Media is content as well. It’s considered inbound marketing as it pulls your prospects into a process as you attempt […]