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Category Archives: Marketing

5 Step Systemization Plan for A Business That Works for You

Systemizing your business based on what you hold important, your values and principles are the keys to having a business that works for you. This 5 step business plan walks you through the steps.  Identify all the tasks of your business. At this point, don’t worry about documenting all of these processes. Understand the scope […]

Financial Systems Most of us think if we get branding down, market effectively, produce efficiently, and have great looking landscapes, we’ll charge the going rate and everything will work out fine. In other words, work smart and the money will take care of itself. It doesn’t.  Just as you need to systemize Admin, Production, and […]

5 Things Dynamic Leaders Do to Get Kick-Ass Results in Uncertain Times Dynamic leaders, of landscape companies that thrive in uncertainty, are led by people who understand the opportunity in times of crisis. “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In […]

Deliberately lo-fi

The resolution of communication has been on a downward slide for more than a decade. Careful hand-tuned typography shifts to endless Helvetica, poorly kerned. Face to face goes to landline phone call goes to cell phone calls, goes to yelling into a speakerphone goes to lazy Zoom etiquette. Music goes from live to vinyl to mp3. […]

Choose to be proactive with the future of your business

It’s easy to run a business in default mode, to operate reactively instead of proactively. Many business owners do it. They allow systems to develop by happenstance in their business rather than designing them with intention; they keep their business afloat on referrals and word-of-mouth instead of developing a Marketing Strategy to attract their ideal customer; they pass […]

Your Customers Already Know the Truth

The downside of being a small business, we are at the mercy of our help. Anyone on your team doesn’t show up there isn’t usually someone who can step into their place. This can affect completion deadlines. Customers are aware of these things. we’re hired because of our talents. The care and skill our people […]

Leading through COVID and Beyond

        Leading Through a Crisis and Beyond   Right now it can be hard to see beyond the overwhelm, the disbelief and your own negative outlook. You may be facing the need to keep employees safe, manage productivity, and protect revenue. All in an environment where it’s hard to know what is […]

The Innovation Cycle

Because we are in a constantly changing world. Our systems must be dynamic, keeping pace with evolving markets, customer preferences, and competition. Continuous systems improvement is the ongoing process of: Innovation – discovering a better way Quantification – testing and measuring it Orchestration – documenting and implementing your systems It’s about continually improving your customer […]

“I Can’t Find Good People!”

How many times a month do I hear that! Yet most business owners don’t make the connection from their vision for the company to their company’s brand and to attracting people who want to work. Attracting the right people means getting people who believe what you do about the importance of your work. A well-organized […]